Measuring success

Regardless of our job title or department, web analytics play a crucial role. However, with a multitude of audiences, pages and campaigns to track and assess, finding meaningful analytics can be overwhelming. In this panel discussion, we will focus on effectively navigating our web analytics data to discover actionable insights. Presenters Shortcode P2 Tags

Re-aligning your measurement plan, one piece at a time

A measurement plan is a living document that defines which analytics metrics support your communications, marketing, business, or other strategic objectives. It is crucial to keep this document alive by revisiting the measurement planning process. There are several common situations where you should re-align your strategies one big one is the decommissioning of Universal Analytics […]

Get around quota limits with a codeless GA4 and BigQuery integration

Many of us were caught off guard by the GA4 quota limits in LookerStudio, leaving us scrambling to find a solution for GA4 reporting. In this presentation, I’ll take you through my experience of utilizing Google BigQuery to store my GA4 data and the challenges of exporting that data into LookerStudio using queries. Spoiler alert – […]