Numbers and nudges: Data-driven collaboration and the art of communication in higher ed teams

In the ever changing ecosystem of digital marketing in higher education, understanding the significance of metrics is imperative to success. However, it’s not just about crunching numbers; it’s about fostering collaboration and alignment among admissions, marketing, and web teams to achieve common objectives. By emphasizing the need for cross-team communication and collaboration, attendees will learn […]

VPAT (Voluntary Product Accessibility Template) SOS

Acquiring new software and services is a constant cycle in a university setting, but acquiring inaccessible software or services does not have to be one of the struggles to face after procuring your technology. To avoid purchasing inaccessibile software or services, VPATs and ACRs (Accessibility Conformance Reports) can be one tool that can help us […]

Say the quiet part out loud — what really drives a successful website project

St. John’s University recently unveiled a website refresh, which better showcases its signature student experience in support of recruitment and retention objectives. But the shiny new website product would not succeed without prioritizing strong partnerships, hard conversations and commitment to cultural change — the unseen yet essential underpinnings of any successful marketing effort. In this […]