Turning data into value: how to make your metrics matter to senior leadership

We will delve into the crucial task of aligning marketing metrics with the business bottom line from a leadership viewpoint. Participants will explore how to select and present metrics that directly influence business outcomes, adopting a leadership mindset to understand what drives strategic decisions. The focus will be on not just interpreting data but advocating […]

Bringing the human side and analytics together: Rebuilding and shrinking your website

Knowing where to start when planning a website overhaul can be overwhelming, especially when you’re trying to determine what content to keep, and what content to get rid of. Joining this session will give you an example of how to approach overhauling and shrinking your website, what analytics to use to determine a starting point, […]

Higher ed’s GA4 challenges: Solutions for common problems

Transitioning to Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is a critical step for higher education institutions aiming to leverage data-driven insights for enhancing digital experiences. SimpsonScarborough, with its extensive experience in implementing numerous GA4 properties across the higher education sector, has identified common pitfalls in the adoption and effective use of GA4. This session aims to distill […]