Watch Parties

Join us at the monthly party! HighEdWeb members, grab your popcorn and hop online with your HighEdWeb colleagues from across the country to watch stellar talks from HighEdWeb events!  Best of all, we are inviting the session presenter to join us live and answer questions after the talk, just like at the conference. Not sure […]

One-percent shifts to improved digital accessibility

Creating an accessibility digital culture can seem like an impossible task. But, broken down into small pieces, the process becomes a lot more manageable. At SUNY Oswego, we changed how we approached creating an overall culture shift to better address accessibility needs on campus by focusing on 1 percent at a time. We use the […]

Heuristics of neurodesign: boost user joy, action and ease

Neurodesign is an emerging field of design practice that accounts for how our brains are wired to create designs that promote simplicity, emote joy and drive action. Since humans are visually dominant, how we perceive and attend visual stimuli should be of particular interest to user experience (UX) designers. This is why nuerodesign is important. To […]