Making remote teamwork work

Remote work in higher ed seemed unthinkable, until the events of the past few years forced the issue. While we know that our work is typically not location dependent, and proved it during the pandemic, many of us are once again facing campus cultures that insist on in-person work. How can we change minds and […]

Keeping the lights on while critically understaffed

The Academic Technologies team at Mount Holyoke College is the result of three departmental restructurings over the course of the pandemic. We were originally two teams, totaling eight people, with expertise in several fields. We lost six of those people by October 2021. We only retained two of the open positions, which seemed to need […]

Architecting agile transformation in higher ed

One hundred plus years of Taylorism and scientific management theory designed for driving efficiency in production lines and industrial work has left many of us grappling with tools that are a poor fit for today’s knowledge work. Agile approaches have the potential to remedy this and liberate the potential in individuals, teams and organizations… but […]