Heuristics of neurodesign: boost user joy, action and ease

Neurodesign is an emerging field of design practice that accounts for how our brains are wired to create designs that promote simplicity, emote joy and drive action. Since humans are visually dominant, how we perceive and attend visual stimuli should be of particular interest to user experience (UX) designers. This is why nuerodesign is important. To […]

Engaging your internal audience through digital signage

This presentation explores the challenges of student retention and methods to reach the internal audience of current students. See what one university has done to engage the internal audience for receiving important information and keeping them engaged with campus events. Presenter Andrea Wasiura — State University of New York at Fredonia Shortcode PST2 Tags

The five trends in website design and digital marketing to adopt or drop

The pivot for higher education marketing since 2020 has been significant, and the bar is set higher than ever before when it comes to the expectations of prospective students. As the digital landscape continues to shift, students’ experiences with your communications, brand and processes are crucial at every digital touchpoint. In today’s digital-first world, how do […]