Google’s Universal Analytics retirement: your guide to transitioning from UA to GA4

Google Analytics is changing. Universal Analytics will stop gathering new data mid-2023. Will your institution be ready? Learn what’s changing and why, what it means for your measurement strategy and how to create a UA-to-GA4 transition plan. Presenter Tyler Schroeder — RBA Consulting Shortcode AAI2 Tags

Avoid fatal mistakes: use data to drive your website performance

Before you update your website, there are key data elements you should research before creating content, optimizing content or writing any code. This session will show you how to avoid several critical flaws that many websites suffer from, including: Investing time and resources into a site that doesn’t support institutional strategies. Losing large amounts of […]

How USU IT web is using Google Data Studio reports to help end users “eat the elephant” of analytics

Analytics is the buzzword for many in the web world. Even inexperienced end users and decision makers want to “see the analytics.” But how do you help them without giving them the whole elephant to digest? Learn how the USU IT Web Team utilizes the power of Google Data Studio Reports to provide end users with […]