Creating lasting change: A digital accessibility coordinator’s journey

Change is a constant in today’s fast-paced world, and organizations must not only adapt but also sustain the changes they implement. In this presentation, we will explore how to achieve lasting change by applying renowned principles of change management that are proven to work on the largest and smallest scales. We will delve into the […]

Cozying up to chaos and other life lessons: Getting started with governance in higher ed

“Governance” sounds like work. Like bureaucracy. Like “no.” It doesn’t have to be this way. Governance is most effective when it looks like help and sounds like “yes.” Governance should be empowering, enlightening, supportive of goals and flexible enough to allow innovation. But where do you start? How do you go from the Wild Wild […]

How Augustana students get an EDGE

This session will focus on a successful program that has been teaching students website skills for 25 years. The model has evolved just as the profession has — from the early days being all about code, to incorporating the wide skillsets as reflected in the attendees of this conference. It all happens through an experiential […]