Write emails people will read

Do people read emails anymore? Yes — they do. But not the way you think. This talk will show you exactly how to write subject lines, optimize your links and lay out your email copy so your message gets across. Presenter Day Kibilds — Ologie Shortcode OCS8 Tags

A new look for an old college: A case study in working with centralized services

A mishmash of plug-ins, custom code copied from Google searches, five shades of gray and outdated content as compelling as wilted celery… It was (past) time for the 152-year-old college to redesign! For the first time in the college’s history, they could work with campus-level centralized university web services. All redesigns were previously done at […]

Know your role: Career paths in higher ed marketing

Did you grow up dreaming of a career in higher education? Neither did we! Join this career discussion with members of Ashley Budd’s “MegaTeam” as she unpacks the various roles that shape each of our unique career paths. Learn specialized networking tactics, how to identify career-making projects and which roles at your institution might shape […]