Level up: Boost engagement with online games

What’s your favorite phone or computer game? If you have ever played or watched someone else play, then you know how engaging a game can be. Using gamification to boost engagement is part of the Cornell alumni marketing team strategy. But, we are a higher ed institution, not a gaming agency! We are challenged to […]

Ad hoc identity management for parents of admitted students

Our goal was to convert our “post-deposit checklist” into a dynamic, personalized online resource that parents as well as students could use. The personalization part meant we needed to provide secure access to parents, who have no identity in our network. We solved this by providing guest accounts in Microsoft Azure that we connected to […]

How to extend WP-CLI for fame and fortune

You’re using the WordPress Command Line Interface (WP-CLI) to automate your workflows, WordPress site set-ups, adding users, etc. You’ve even added it to your CI/CD pipelines to automate behavioral testing and configuration of your testing environments. Recently you added a new plugin to your site that dramatically improves the functionality, only to discover that its […]