Leveraging machine learning to meet goals, serve prospective and current students at ASU

The EdPlus team at ASU leverages various machine learning models to meet the goals of different departments while serving prospective and current students. Our comprehensive web behavior data is used to power enrollment propensity models that output a lead score for each prospect who expresses an interest in ASUOnline. Qualitative data from surveys, calls, SMS […]

Building data-driven marketing plans: A case study

Like most other private universities in the United States, Piedmont University held a close watch on enrollment over the course of the past few years. At the start of the pandemic, the university had planned for significant change rolling out a new brandmark, imagery and more as the institution prepared for their 125th anniversary. In […]

Data visualization cheap and easy(-ish) — Or, lessons learned from a data dashboard project

Our departments hold storehouses full of operations data. However, challenges frequently arise when trying to analyze this data from across frequently siloed and proprietary data sources in a timely manner. Available toolsets, meanwhile, leave us wishing for more — many apps handle data from specific products or only harvest specific types of data. Other apps […]