Calendaring everywhere all at once

A calendar is more than just a list of events and dates and venues. It’s a backstage pass to life at your school. It’s a living document — a story about your campus that speaks to everyone. Most campus calendars don’t feel like living documents, for lots of reasons. For one thing, a living document […]

Modernize WordPress for a multi-developer, multi-environment workflow

WordPress has a ridiculously low point of entry, and that may be fine for a single developer or site owner who does everything from the Dashboard and Theme Customizer. But what if you have multiple developers and multiple environments? How do you develop and deploy new features, maintain software dependencies, and keep your sanity? There […]

The terrible teens: How to manage Instagram at 13

Instagram has evolved a lot from it’s founding days as a feed-based photo sharing platform. We now have stories, reels, live and highlights to manage and explore. You need a good strategy to guide your Instagram presence and create solid growth. As a college, the primary audiences for your Instagram are prospective students, current students […]