Higher ed’s GA4 challenges: Solutions for common problems

Transitioning to Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is a critical step for higher education institutions aiming to leverage data-driven insights for enhancing digital experiences. SimpsonScarborough, with its extensive experience in implementing numerous GA4 properties across the higher education sector, has identified common pitfalls in the adoption and effective use of GA4. This session aims to distill […]

The GA4 struggle is real: Recommendations for higher ed

Learn how to navigate and leverage Google Analytics 4 (GA4). Join  Two Octobers’ Nico Brooks and I as we explore: Presenters Shortcode P3 Tags

Numbers and nudges: Data-driven collaboration and the art of communication in higher ed teams

In the ever changing ecosystem of digital marketing in higher education, understanding the significance of metrics is imperative to success. However, it’s not just about crunching numbers; it’s about fostering collaboration and alignment among admissions, marketing, and web teams to achieve common objectives. By emphasizing the need for cross-team communication and collaboration, attendees will learn […]