Providing a Homegrown Accessibility Training Without Reinventing the Wheel

Want to provide accessibility training for content managers on your campus?  On a limited budget?  We will walk through how a homegrown accessibility training was created and rolled out to over 500 content managers across the state of Tennessee and was required.  We will discover topics covered in the first year, how the content was sourced […]

Breaking Accessibility Out of the Silo

Accessibility is gaining ground with many organizations as area of concern on par with security, but, like security was a decade ago, it is still often regarded as a specialized area that needs to be handled by a specific team. This presentation focuses on the process of shifting a university accessibility program from a siloed 1-team project […]

Creating Accessibility Ecosystems: Institutional Scaffolding for Design and Content

Creating an accessible website or app is not an accidental feat. It requires an always growing skillset, and skills require time to build as well as ongoing support to continue to refine and sharpen. The work also does not happen on an island. Whether we’re creating a new marketing campaign or a new online course, countless […]