Unhinged 101: How to reach Gen Z through TikTok

In this session, I’ll showcase the strategies that have led to explosive growth in an extremely tricky platform. In the past year, the Northeastern University TikTok channel has become our fastest-growing platform. Our follower count has grown by over 300% since March 2022, while our views and engagements are each up over 500%. This growth […]

Static site generators and the JAMstack: Liberating tools for fast and secure websites

Websites have long been run by database-driven content management systems such as Drupal and WordPress. Unfortunately, the digital vulnerabilities of such systems are significant and require frequent maintenance to maintain security. Static-site generators, such as Jekyll and Gatsby, take a different approach by entirely removing slow and risky databases from the live site. The results […]

Creating tomorrow’s developers by training them as student content editors today

Problem statement The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, like most others, has a limited web staff of only three web developers. For years, there was only one, and only within the last three has hired two more. The influx of requests for editing content, images and redesigns on internal college pages has been unsustainable for […]