Building Accessible Style Templates in Word for Campus Faculty and Staff

Microsoft Word includes a robust set of tools to allow the creation of accessible documents which can work well for multiple readers and/or their assistive technology. These include correctly using heading styles, accessible table formatting, usable list bullets and numbers as well as adding image alt text. However, most writers in Word do not know […]

The Accessibility Imperative of Interactive Maps in Higher Education

When it comes to digital accessibility, certain resources such as online campus maps and virtual tours have often been overlooked, merely considered as visual aids. However, this perception fails to acknowledge their profound impact on our understanding and navigation of physical spaces. At Concept3D, we firmly believe that maps and tours bear the responsibility of […]

Key Considerations for Accessibility in WordPress Websites

WordPress is an ideal platform for building websites within your institution. It offers visual interfaces for building everything from page designs to event calendars and forms – without having to touch code. This enables faculty and staff in any department to get content online quickly. However, the flexibility of WordPress also is a double-edged sword […]