Going dark

Support for Dark Mode is an emerging expectation for users of websites. The technology, designed to aid in entering sleep cycles and provide a more readable alternative for some visual conditions, is now consistently supported in operating systems and browsers, and is implemented on five of the top ten highest-traffic websites in the U.S. And […]

Where is my map? I’m lost in a wayfinding world!

Wayfinding is something that each institution has and continually develops. But how often do we consider accessibility in our decisions? Not very often. During this session we will explore the foundations of accessibility for wayfinding and how we can improve it at our universities. We will explore what rules we should follow, what parts of […]

Replicate UAlbany’s 8-day Web Accessibility Challenge on your campus

Ensuring digital accessibility at a university or college is an all-hands-on-deck endeavor that requires faculty, staff and administrators to be aware of and versed in foundational accessibility principles and practices. Students, too, play a role in helping to shift campus culture. The 8-Day Web Accessibility Challenge, held by UAlbany’s Web Services in January 2022, provided […]