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Partners in time: how a two-person communications team manages to do it all

We know that as university communicators, we are always being asked to do more with less. After the past two years, that maxim has never been truer. As the communications team for the IT Services division at Miami University, we wear a lot of hats: marketer, communicator, transcriber, translator, campaign planning consultant, photographer, designer. How […]

Regex: demystifying the hieroglyphics

You’re working with some data and find yourself needing to find a specific piece of information, but your searches keep matching on things that aren’t what you want. While basic searches are fine for some things, in the case above, you need something more powerful. Enter regular expressions (also referred to as “regex”). BUT WAIT, […]

Lightning talks

The lightning talks offered as a single video, which includes the following sessions: Getting Your Point Across (and Down): What Crossword Construction Can Teach Us About Content Presenter: Donna Talarico — Donna Talarico: Stories & Such Crosswordease : NYT puzzle : academic jargon : college website. If you’ve been solving crosswords for a while, you might […]