HighEdWeb becomes Digital Collegium on Nov. 1. Discover the new brand

From WYSIWYG to pattern library: how to transition your web content

Higher ed websites are shifting out of rigid templates and free-for-all formatting and moving toward structured design systems and flexible layouts. These design changes mean a new way of thinking about content, too. Learn how to head off trouble when migrating existing content and specific tactics to prepare your team, like dealing with multi-column formats and […]

Content Management Systems Community Group

Join this discussion about content management systems, including open source and commercial solutions. This group is also active throughout the year: Join the CMS Community Group to access to future discussions, recordings and the group directory. Registration is free! Have conversations on the #websites Slack channel. New to Slack? Check out our Slack Guide to get started. Presenter Cynde Fleagle — Penn State […]

Automating the migration of 20,000 web pages to Omni CMS

Missouri State’s case study: in this session, you’ll learn about Missouri State’s journey to the Omni CMS platform by a team of four. This included overcoming the challenge of migrating 21,800 web pages as finished (fully “widgetized”) Omni CMS (pcf) files. Presenters Brian Heaton — Missouri State University Jessica Summers — Collegis Education Shortcode DPC6 […]