The Power of Digital Accessibility to Build Bridges and Open Doors in Higher Ed

Due to licensing restrictions, this keynote video was only available through April 11, 2024. Welcome address from the Accessibility Summit Chair Lindsey Sneed followed by the keynote by Lainey Feingold. Campus digital accessibility professionals build bridges every day between campus technology and digital content on one side and disabled students faculty, and staff on the […]

A University-Wide Strategy for Document Accessibility

Document accessibility has become a hot topic in higher education, as universities work to ensure that all stakeholders including students, educators, staff and parents including those with disabilities, have equal access to information and resources online. Ensuring document accessibility is particularly important in higher education, where people with disabilities are protected by laws such as […]

Breaking Accessibility Out of the Silo

Accessibility is gaining ground with many organizations as area of concern on par with security, but, like security was a decade ago, it is still often regarded as a specialized area that needs to be handled by a specific team. This presentation focuses on the process of shifting a university accessibility program from a siloed 1-team project […]