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From complaint to compliance: Highland Community College’s journey to website accessibility

In early 2022, Highland Community College was notified by the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) that the Department of Education had received a complaint about the community college’s website lacking the necessary accessibility features to make it usable by people with disabilities. Highland reached an agreement with OCR in April 2022 to make its website […]

Sa11y & Editoria11y: Straightforward content accessibility at scale

We’ve seen your accessibility programs: trainings, audits, browser plugins, crawlers, dashboards, spreadsheets…still getting complaints, re-audits, re-trainings… and all the while, your content creators are expressing nervousness (“I just don’t know if it is accessible”), competing priorities (“oh right…I’m supposed to use your dashboard…”) and burnout (“I can’t deal with this right now; we’ll work on […]

Your library, accessibility and you

Join Anaya and Trisha to discuss the unique accessibility challenges your University library colleagues are facing, and what this means for you. We will discuss considerations for accessible library collections, where libraries have had accessibility success, and where we still struggle. As accessibility-minded professionals, it is important to understand the accessibility landscape in libraries, and […]