How to build an in-house video production team and streamline content creation for your organization

In this presentation you will learn how to set up an in-house video shop from the ground up for a small marketing department. We will discuss essential equipment that fits a $15k, $30k or $60k+ budget. We will also discuss how you can streamline your video projects from creative brief to client delivery, including project management tips, […]

Earth to Gen Zers: building a student integrated marketing team that speaks their language

“What makes [insert your institution here] special?” Who would you rather have answer this question? A marketing professional who knows all the right things to say about your institution’s experience. A current student who lives it every day. Learn how you can deploy your insights as a member of option a to empower the authentic perspective […]

15 lessons learned from a new manager

This session is designed for new managers or those who are interested in leading a team of their own. Additionally, senior managers looking to support new managers could find benefit. The first year in a formal leadership role is the hardest, but it is one of the most important. Some of the challenges those new […]