A University-Wide Strategy for Document Accessibility

Document accessibility has become a hot topic in higher education, as universities work to ensure that all stakeholders including students, educators, staff and parents including those with disabilities, have equal access to information and resources online. Ensuring document accessibility is particularly important in higher education, where people with disabilities are protected by laws such as […]

Building Accessible Style Templates in Word for Campus Faculty and Staff

Microsoft Word includes a robust set of tools to allow the creation of accessible documents which can work well for multiple readers and/or their assistive technology. These include correctly using heading styles, accessible table formatting, usable list bullets and numbers as well as adding image alt text. However, most writers in Word do not know […]

Creating Accessibility Ecosystems: Institutional Scaffolding for Design and Content

Creating an accessible website or app is not an accidental feat. It requires an always growing skillset, and skills require time to build as well as ongoing support to continue to refine and sharpen. The work also does not happen on an island. Whether we’re creating a new marketing campaign or a new online course, countless […]