Five reasons to volunteer with HighEdWeb

Learn about five great reasons to volunteer with HighEdWeb, about committees, openings and how you can make a difference. Presenter Gale Wallace — Pantheon / TriveDX and chair of the HighEdWeb Volunteer Committee Video Transcript We’re editing the transcript now. We’ll add it here soon. Shortcode PST3 Tags

Leading with authentic executive presence

How do we define executive presence? It used to be equated with assertiveness, unshakeable confidence and appearing to have all the answers. A new leadership paradigm is defining executive presence as the ability to create connections that inspire. In this poster session, we’ll discuss what we mean by authentic leadership and look at ways to explore […]

Out of the recycling bin and into the Metaverse: Four ways to rethink paper marketing using mobile AR

Mobile augmented reality allows users to use their smartphone camera to view a 3D digital holographic experience, layered on top of the real world. Think Pokemon Go. Brands like the NFL and Nike have created mobile AR experiences to make ads and events more memorable, and the same technology can be used to create memorable impressions […]