How we built a design system storefront with WordPress blocks

A well-designed storefront can be a valuable asset for your working design system. Building on the Atomic Design principles established by Brad Frost, a storefront is a useful way to take your components out of the workshop and display them in a meaningful and organized way. Modern WordPress allows us to build this storefront in […]

Academic program pages: Phenomenal cosmic power, itty bitty living space

Having recently kicked off a complete site redesign of, learn how data-driven decision-making has informed the latest iteration of ODU’s marketing-focused academic program pages and how changes throughout the site have led to increased traffic and streamlined navigation. The latest design of our program pages goes live in a matter of weeks, and we […]

Providing a Homegrown Accessibility Training Without Reinventing the Wheel

Want to provide accessibility training for content managers on your campus?  On a limited budget?  We will walk through how a homegrown accessibility training was created and rolled out to over 500 content managers across the state of Tennessee and was required.  We will discover topics covered in the first year, how the content was sourced […]