Creating tomorrow’s developers by training them as student content editors today

Problem statement The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, like most others, has a limited web staff of only three web developers. For years, there was only one, and only within the last three has hired two more. The influx of requests for editing content, images and redesigns on internal college pages has been unsustainable for […]

Forest for the trees: Growing your evergreen content strategy

Evergreen content is content that, due to its timeless message or longstanding relevance, will continue to provide value to your audiences and drive traffic to your website even as time passes. In higher education, the “evergreen content strategy” is an often elusive goal attempted between the management and application of a dozen other responsibilities. This […]

From zero to 100 without a crash — can you really move fast and break things when it’s time for a redesign?

Rolling out a new site and CMS is not as scary as it seems. In November 2019, Milwaukee Area Technical College (MATC) and Hannon Hill embarked on a multi-phased project that involved the implementation of newly designed web templates in Cascade CMS, followed by content migration, going live, and additional functional iterations. In this session, […]