Practical Guide to Automated Accessibility Testing

Automated accessibility testing has become the norm to bringing accessibility into the development lifecycle. As great as it is to have accessibility in the day to day development, many of the teams that adopt these tools and testing frameworks are overwhelmed by the sheer number of them and do not know where to start.In this […]

Proactive Accessibility Not Reactive Remediation

Presenters Amber Hinds — Equalize Digital Description On websites with many contributors including faculty, student workers, and others who’re new to website accessibility, real-time accessibility feedback in the content management system is vital to ensure ongoing accessibility. Relying on weekly or monthly scans of already published content and retroactive remediation when problems are found increases the […]

Introduction to accessibility testing — the automated, the manual and the in-between

This presentation is born from the question that I have been asked a number of times and the question that I know some people are wanting to ask but are afraid to: How do I ensure my website is fully accessible?Understanding website usability is key to understanding what tests to perform on your website to […]